Chapter 14
WinCGI The Basics
WinCGI is such an easy method to program CGI apps in because you write the CGI application in Visual Basic, as opposed to C or C++. This means, instead of having thousands of lines of code just to do anything useful, you can write a fully functioning WinCGI app in about 10 lines. And WinCGI apps that do advanced things, like database access, don't take many more lines than that because VB makes it very easy to access databases. But first, let me start with the basics: environment variables and authentication.
Your Very First WinCGI Program
For starters, I'll get some required knowledge out of the way. First, if you haven't read the latest WinCGI spec (1.3a at this time), or CGI(32).BAS, it's important that you read it now. CGI32.BAS is at the end of the chapter, while the WinCGI spec can be found online. Second, I am using WebSite as the server to back end my WinCGI programs in these examples. Anywhere something is specific to WebSite, I'll point it out. Lastly, there are certain options that must be set in VB (any version) so that your program will work. The steps you need to take are as follows:- Set the startup type to Sub Main.
Note WinCGI apps don't use forms to interact with the user.
- Include CGI.BAS or CGI32.BAS, depending on if you are using a 16-bit or 32-bit environment.
Note |
The references in this chapter to the term WinCGI Procedure refer to procedures that occur in CGI/CGI32.BAS. |
To set up the sample programs in this chapter, you need to do the following:
- Save the text of the listing in a .BAS file.
- Go into VB and start a new project.
- Add the .BAS file you just saved, and CGI(32).BAS to the project.
- Set the start up to Sub Main
- FieldPresent-This function returns True or False, depending on whether or not the field is present.
- ErrorHandler-This procedure is used as a global error handling routine. When called, it returns an HTML page to the browser that contains information about the error.
- GetAcceptTypes-This procedure is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It creates an array that contains the data from the [Accept] section.
- GetArgs-This function is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It splits the command line into separate arguments, and also returns the number of arguments.
- GetExtraHeaders-This procedure is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It creates an array that contains data from the [Extra Headers] section.
- GetFormTuples-This procedure is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It creates an array that contains data from the form data.
- GetProfile-This function is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It grabs the data from the profile so that other functions can process it.
- GetSmallField-This function returns the data from a form field.
- InitializeCGI-This function is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It initializes the VB variables that represent CGI environment variables.
- Main-This procedure is used internally by the CGI/CGI32.BAS file. It handles the core functionality of the CGI framework, and then passes control to the users program.
- Send-This procedure outputs data to the browser.
- SendNoOp-This procedure tells the browser to do nothing at all.
- WebDate-This function converts time stored in a VB variant into a string that contains HTTP 1.0 compliant time.
- PlusToSpace-This procedure converts pluses (+) that appear in HTTP encoded strings into spaces.
- Unescape-This function converts a string containing escaped characters into a string where the characters are replaced with the unescaped form.
- x2c-This function converts an escaped character into an unescaped character.
I'm sure you've seen the simple 50 line Perl scripts or 100 line C programs that do simple text counters.
Well, your VB app is very simple. In fact, it uses only one WinCGI procedure (Send).
The code is given in Listing 14.1.
Listing 14.1. Simple CGI counter program.
'CGI Counter Program.
'Copyright 1996 Daniel Berlin
'Very simple demonstration of how easy WinCGI in VB is.
Sub CGI_Main()
'Real Code
Dim FreeFileNumber As Integer 'Used to store the result of FreeFile
Dim CounterString As String 'Used to store the counter read in from the file
Dim CounterInteger As Integer 'Used to store real counter value
CounterInteger = 0 'Makes it easy to handle the not exist error
FreeFileNumber = FreeFile
Open CurDir + "\counter.dat" For Input As #FreeFileNumber 'Open it so we can
'get the current counter
Line Input #FreeFileNumber, CounterString
Close #FreeFileNumber
CounterInteger = Val(CounterString) 'Convert string to integer
FreeFileNumber = FreeFile
CounterInteger = CounterInteger + 1
Open CurDir + "\Counter.dat" For Output As #FreeFileNumber
Print #FreeFileNumber, CounterInteger
Close #FreeFileNumber
Send ("Content-type: text/html") 'Standard Mime Header for HTML
Send ("")
Send (CounterInteger)
End Sub
Sub Inter_Main()
'Handles interactive (startup without a commandline) startup
MsgBox "This is a Windows CGI Program._
It should only be run by the server"
Exit sub
End Sub
As you can see, more code is spent opening and closing files than doing actual work. It is also not the most robust implementation of a counter. If the counter file doesn't exist, it fails with an error. But, it does work otherwise. It contains all the things every CGI program has, which are
- A Inter_Main procedure that handles interactive startup (means no command line)
- A CGI_Main procedure, which is the real main part of your program.
- CGI.BAS or CGI32.BAS included in the project
There are WinCGI applications that need user level security. To provide this, you use basic authentication.Note |
WebSite requires that the program name begin with a dollar sign ($), or else it won't pass the password to it. |
The header to tell a browser you want authentication looks something like this:
HTTP/1.0 401 UnauthorizedWhen you authenticate, the server calls the program again (and, this time, passes the authentication information). You need to check for the username before outputting the header to authenticate.
Server: Website 1.1e
Date: 06/29/96
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="AuthDemo"
Content-type: text/html
So far, in VB, the code would look like this:
If CGI_AuthUser = "" Then 'If they haven't authenticated, do itThis, if compiled, will loop until the user enters a name or clicks cancel.
Send "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"
Send ("Server: " + CGI_ServerSoftware)
Send ("Date: " + WebDate(Now))
Send ("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""AuthDemo""")
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
'If we get to this, the user clicked cancel
End If
The only way to get to the line If we get... is if you click cancel. If the user had not, it would have called the program again in an attempt to authenticate. Therefore, the code to handle what happens if the user clicks cancel goes right after the same line.
So far, you have a program that will loop until either a name is entered or cancel is clicked.
I'll expand it a little bit by writing the other half of the if statement (what happens if a name is entered).
If CGI_AuthUser = "" Then 'If they haven't authenticated, do itMost of the time, the name and password will be checked against some kind of database. However, because I don't have such a database handy, I hardcoded the name and password that will need to be looked for.
Send "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"
Send ("Server: " + CGI_ServerSoftware)
Send ("Date: " + WebDate(Now))
Send ("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""AuthDemo""")
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
' Anything after this is only seen if they click cancel,
'Insert code to handle cancel button
Else 'They typed in a username/password
If (CGI_AuthUser = "Daniel Berlin" And CGI_AuthPass = "danny") Then
'they got it right
'Insert your own code here to deal with getting the name/password right
Else 'they got it wrong
'Insert your own code here to deal with getting the name/password wrong.
End If
End If
This is basically a finished program that does authentication. All I did to make it a real app was fill in my own code and throw it in a CGI_Main sub. See Listing 14.2.
Listing 14.2. Finished authentication program.
'Authentication Demo
'Copyright 1996 By Daniel Berlin
Sub Inter_Main()
MsgBox "This program is meant to be run from the Web Server"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub CGI_Main()
If CGI_AuthUser = "" Then 'If they haven't authenticated, do it
Send "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"
Send ("Server: " + CGI_ServerSoftware)
Send ("Date: " + WebDate(Now))
Send ("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""AuthDemo""")
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
' Anything after this is only seen if they click cancel,
' This is because if they don't, it calls the program again
Send ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>You clicked Cancel</TITLE></HEAD>")
Send ("<BODY><H1>You Clicked Cancel</H1></BODY></HTML>")
Else 'They typed in a username/password
If (CGI_AuthUser = "Daniel Berlin" And CGI_AuthPass = "danny") Then
'they got it right
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
Send ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Congrats</TITLE></HEAD>")
Send ("<BODY><H1>You have been properly authenticated</H1></BODY>_
Else 'they got it wrong
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
Send ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>I'm sorry</TITLE></HEAD>")
Send ("<BODY><H1>Either username or password is wrong</H1></BODY>_
End If
End If
End Sub
This just about wraps up authentication.
The source code for the WinCGI Framework for VB32 is given in Listing 14.3.
Listing 14.3. CGI32.BAS.
Attribute VB_Name = "CGI_Framework"
' *************
' * CGI32.BAS *
' *************
' VERSION: 1.7 (December 3, 1995)
' AUTHOR: Robert B. Denny <>
' Common routines needed to establish a VB environment for
' Windows CGI programs that run behind the WebSite Server.
' The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) version 1.1 specifies a minimal
' set of data that is made available to the back-end application by
' an HTTP (Web) server. It also specifies the details for passing this
' information to the back-end. The latter part of the CGI spec is
' specific to Unix-like environments. The ncSA httpd for Windows does
' supply the data items (and more) specified by CGI/1.1, however it
' uses a different method for passing the data to the back-end.
' WebSite requires any Windows back-end program to be an
' executable image. This means that you must convert your VB
' application into an executable (.EXE) before it can be tested
' with the server.
' The WebSite server executes script requests by doing a
' CreateProcess with a command line in the following form:
' prog-name cgi-profile
' The Unix CGI passes data to the back end by defining environment
' variables which can be used by shell scripts. The WebSite
' server passes data to its back end via the profile file. The
' format of the profile is that of a Windows ".INI" file. The keyword
' names have been changed cosmetically.
' There are 7 sections in a CGI profile file, [CGI], [Accept],
' [System], [Extra Headers], and [Form Literal], [Form External],
' and [Form huge]. They are described below:
' [CGI] <== The standard CGI variables
' CGI Version= The version of CGI spoken by the server
' Request Protocol= The server's info protocol (e.g. HTTP/1.0)
' Request Method= The method specified in the request (e.g., "GET")
' Request Keep-Alive= If the client requested connection re-use (Yes/No)
' Executable Path= Physical pathname of the back-end (this program)
' Logical Path= Extra path info in logical space
' Physical Path= Extra path info in local physical space
' Query String= String following the "?" in the request URL
' Content Type= MIME content type of info supplied with request
' Content Length= Length, bytes, of info supplied with request
' Request Range= Byte-range specfication received with request
' Server Software= Version/revision of the info (HTTP) server
' Server Name= Server's network hostname (or alias from config)
' Server Port= Server's network port number
' Server Admin= E-Mail address of server's admin. (config)
' Referer= URL of referring document
' From= E-Mail of client user (rarely seen)
' User Agent= String describing client/browser software/version
' Remote Host= Remote client's network hostname
' Remote Address= Remote client's network address
' Authenticated Username=Username if present in request
' Authenticated Password=Password if present in request
' Authentication Method=Method used for authentication (e.g., "Basic")
' Authentication Realm=Name of realm for users/groups
' [Accept] <== What the client says it can take
' The MIME types found in the request header as
' Accept: xxx/yyy; zzzz...
' are entered in this section as
' xxx/yyy=zzzz...
' If only the MIME type appears, the form is
' xxx/yyy=Yes
' [System] <== Windows interface specifics
' GMT Offset= Offset of local timezone from GMT, seconds (LONG!)
' Output File= Pathname of file to receive results
' Content File= Pathname of file containing raw request content
' Debug Mode= If server's CGI debug flag is set (Yes/No)
' [Extra Headers]
' Any "extra" headers found in the request that activated this
' program. They are listed in "key=value" form. Usually, you'll see
' at least the name of the browser here as "User-agent".
' [Form Literal]
' If the request was a POST from a Mosaic form (with content type of
' "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), the server will decode the
' form data. Raw form input is of the form "key=value&key=value&...",
' with the value parts "URL-encoded". The server splits the key=value
' pairs at the '&', then spilts the key and value at the '=',
' URL-decodes the value string and puts the result into key=value
' (decoded) form in the [Form Literal] section of the INI.
' [Form External]
' If the decoded value string is more than 254 characters long,
' or if the decoded value string contains any control characters
' or quote marks the server puts the decoded value into an external
' tempfile and lists the field in this section as:
' key=<pathname> <length>
' where <pathname> is the path and name of the tempfile containing
' the decoded value string, and <length> is the length in bytes
' of the decoded value string.
' [Form File]
' If the form data contained any uploaded files, they are described in
' this section as:
' key=[<pathname>] <length> <type> <encoding> [<name>]
' where <pathname> is the path and name of the tempfile contining the
' uploaded file, <length> is the length in bytes of the uploaded file,
' <type> is the content type of the uploaded file as sent by the browser,
' <encoding> is the content-transfer encoding of the uploaded file, and
' <name> is the original file name of the uploaded file.
' [Form Huge]
' If the raw value string is more than 65,536 bytes long, the server
' does no decoding. In this case, the server lists the field in this
' section as:
' key=<offset> <length>
' where <offset> is the offset from the beginning of the Content File
' at which the raw value string for this key is located, and <length>
' is the length in bytes of the raw value string. You can use the
' <offset> to perform a "Seek" to the start of the raw value string,
' and use the length to know when you have read the entire raw string
' into your decoder. Note that VB has a limit of 64K for strings, so
' Examples:
' [Form Literal]
' smallfield=123 Main St. #122
' [Form External]
' field300chars=c:\website\cgi-tmp\1a7fws.000 300
' fieldwithlinebreaks=c:\website\cgi-tmp\1a7fws.001 43
' [Form Huge]
' field230K=c:\website\cgi-tmp\1a7fws.002 276920
' =====
' =====
' Include CGI32.BAS in your VB4 project. Set the project options for
' "Sub Main" startup. The Main() procedure is in this module, and it
' handles all of the setup of the VB CGI environment, as described
' above. Once all of this is done, the Main() calls YOUR main procedure
' which must be called CGI_Main(). The output file is open, use Send()
' to write to it. The input file is NOT open, and "huge" form fields
' have not been decoded.
' NOTE: If your program is started without command-line args,
' the code assumes you want to run it interactively. This is useful
' for providing a setup screen, etc. Instead of calling CGI_Main(),
' it calls Inter_Main(). Your module must also implement this
' function. If you don't need an interactive mode, just create
' Inter_Main() and put a 1-line call to MsgBox alerting the
' user that the program is not meant to be run interactively.
' The samples furnished with the server do this.
' If a Visual Basic runtime error occurs, it will be trapped and result
' in an HTTP error response being sent to the client. Check out the
' Error Handler() sub. When your program finishes, be sure to RETURN
' TO MAIN(). Don't just do an "End".
' Have a look at the stuff below to see what's what.
' Author: Robert B. Denny <>
' April 15, 1995
' Revision History:
' 15-Apr-95 rbd Initial release (ref VB3 CGI.BAS 1.7)
' 02-Aug-95 rbd Changed to take input and output files from profile
' Server no longer produces long command line.
' 24-Aug-95 rbd Make call to GetPrivateProfileString conditional
' so 16-bit and 32-bit versions supported. Fix
' computation of CGI_GMTOffset for offset=0 (GMT)
' case. Add FieldPresent() routine for checkbox
' handling. Clean up comments.
' 29-Oct-95 rbd Added PlusToSpace() and Unescape() functions for
' decoding query strings, etc.
' 16-Nov-95 rbd Add keep-alive variable, file uploading description
' in comments, and upload display.
' 20-Nov-95 rbd Fencepost error in ParseFileValue()
' 23-Nov-95 rbd Remove On Error Resume Next from error handler
' 03-Dec-95 rbd User-Agent is now a variable, real HTTP header
' Add Request-Range as http header as well.
Option Explicit
' ==================
' Manifest Constants
' ==================
Const MAX_CMDARGS = 8 ' Max # of command line args
Const ENUM_BUF_SIZE = 4096 ' Key enumeration buffer, see GetProfile()
' These are the limits in the server
Const MAX_XHDR = 100 ' Max # of "extra" request headers
Const MAX_AccTYPE = 100 ' Max # of Accept: types in request
Const MAX_FORM_TUPLES = 100 ' Max # form key=value pairs
Const MAX_HUGE_TUPLES = 16 ' Max # "huge" form fields
Const MAX_FILE_TUPLES = 16 ' Max # of uploaded file tuples
' =====
' Types
' =====
Type Tuple ' Used for Accept: and "extra" headers
key As String ' and for holding POST form key=value pairs
value As String
End Type
Type FileTuple ' Used for form-based file uploads
key As String ' Form field name
file As String ' Local tempfile containing uploaded file
length As Long ' Length in bytes of uploaded file
type As String ' Content type of uploaded file
encoding As String ' Content-transfer encoding of uploaded file
name As String ' Original name of uploaded file
End Type
Type HugeTuple ' Used for "huge" form fields
key As String ' Keyword (decoded)
offset As Long ' Byte offset into Content File of value
length As Long ' Length of value, bytes
End Type
' ================
' Global Constants
' ================
' ----------
' Error Codes
' ----------
Global Const ERR_ARGCOUNT = 32767
Global Const ERR_BAD_REQUEST = 32766 ' HTTP 400
Global Const ERR_UNAUTHORIZED = 32765 ' HTTP 401
Global Const ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 32764 ' HTTP 402
Global Const ERR_FORBIDDEN = 32763 ' HTTP 403
Global Const ERR_NOT_FOUND = 32762 ' HTTP 404
Global Const ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR = 32761 ' HTTP 500
Global Const ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 32760 ' HTTP 501
Global Const ERR_TOO_BUSY = 32758 ' HTTP 503 (experimental)
Global Const ERR_NO_FIELD = 32757 ' GetxxxField "no field"
Global Const CGI_ERR_START = 32757 ' Start of our errors
' ====================
' CGI Global Variables
' ====================
' ----------------------
' Standard CGI variables
' ----------------------
Global CGI_ServerSoftware As String
Global CGI_ServerName As String
Global CGI_ServerPort As Integer
Global CGI_RequestProtocol As String
Global CGI_ServerAdmin As String
Global CGI_Version As String
Global CGI_RequestMethod As String
Global CGI_RequestKeepAlive As Integer
Global CGI_LogicalPath As String
Global CGI_PhysicalPath As String
Global CGI_ExecutablePath As String
Global CGI_QueryString As String
Global CGI_RequestRange As String
Global CGI_Referer As String
Global CGI_From As String
Global CGI_UserAgent As String
Global CGI_RemoteHost As String
Global CGI_RemoteAddr As String
Global CGI_AuthUser As String
Global CGI_AuthPass As String
Global CGI_AuthType As String
Global CGI_AuthRealm As String
Global CGI_ContentType As String
Global CGI_ContentLength As Long
' ------------------
' HTTP Header Arrays
' ------------------
Global CGI_AcceptTypes(MAX_AccTYPE) As Tuple ' Accept: types
Global CGI_NumAcceptTypes As Integer ' # of live entries in array
Global CGI_ExtraHeaders(MAX_XHDR) As Tuple ' "Extra" headers
Global CGI_NumExtraHeaders As Integer ' # of live entries in array
' --------------
' POST Form Data
' --------------
Global CGI_FormTuples(MAX_FORM_TUPLES) As Tuple ' POST form key=value pairs
Global CGI_NumFormTuples As Integer ' # of live entries in array
Global CGI_HugeTuples(MAX_HUGE_TUPLES) As HugeTuple ' Form "huge tuples
Global CGI_NumHugeTuples As Integer ' # of live entries in array
Global CGI_FileTuples(MAX_FILE_TUPLES) As FileTuple ' File upload tuples
Global CGI_NumFileTuples As Integer ' # of live entries in array
' ----------------
' System Variables
' ----------------
Global CGI_GMTOffset As Variant ' GMT offset (time serial)
Global CGI_ContentFile As String ' Content/Input file pathname
Global CGI_OutputFile As String ' Output file pathname
Global CGI_DebugMode As Integer ' Script Tracing flag from server
' ========================
' Windows API Declarations
' ========================
' NOTE: Declaration of GetPrivateProfileString is specially done to
' permit enumeration of keys by passing NULL key value. See GetProfile().
' Both the 16-bit and 32-bit flavors are given below. We DO NOT
' recommend using 16-bit VB4 with WebSite!
#If Win32 Then
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
ByVal nSize As Long, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" _
(ByVal lpSection As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
ByVal nSize As Integer, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer
#End If
' ===============
' Local Variables
' ===============
Dim CGI_ProfileFile As String ' Profile file pathname
Dim CGI_OutputFN As Integer ' Output file number
Dim ErrorString As String
' Return True/False depending on whether a form field is present.
' Typically used to detect if a checkbox in a form is checked or
' not. Unchecked checkboxes are omitted from the form content.
Function FieldPresent(key As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
FieldPresent = False ' Assume failure
For i = 0 To (CGI_NumFormTuples - 1)
If CGI_FormTuples(i).key = key Then
FieldPresent = True ' Found it
Exit Function ' ** DONE **
End If
Next i
' Exit with FieldPresent still False
End Function
' ErrorHandler() - Global error handler
' If a VB runtime error occurs dusing execution of the program, this
' procedure generates an HTTP/1.0 HTML-formatted error message into
' the output file, then exits the program.
' This should be armed immediately on entry to the program's main()
' procedure. Any errors that occur in the program are caught, and
' an HTTP/1.0 error messsage is generated into the output file. The
' presence of the HTTP/1.0 on the first line of the output file causes
' ncSA httpd for WIndows to send the output file to the client with no
' interpretation or other header parsing.
Sub ErrorHandler(code As Integer)
Seek #CGI_OutputFN, 1 ' Rewind output file just in case
Send ("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Error")
Send ("Server: " + CGI_ServerSoftware)
Send ("Date: " + WebDate(Now))
Send ("Content-type: text/html")
Send ("")
Send ("<HTML><HEAD>")
Send ("<TITLE>Error in " + CGI_ExecutablePath + "</TITLE>")
Send ("</HEAD><BODY>")
Send ("<H1>Error in " + CGI_ExecutablePath + "</H1>")
Send ("An internal Visual Basic error has occurred in " + CGI_ExecutablePath + ".")
Send ("<PRE>" + ErrorString + "</PRE>")
Send ("<I>Please</I> note what you were doing when this problem occurred,")
Send ("so we can identify and correct it. Write down the Web page you were using,")
Send ("any data you may have entered into a form or search box, and")
Send ("anything else that may help us duplicate the problem. Then contact the")
Send ("administrator of this service: ")
Send ("<A HREF=""mailto:" & CGI_ServerAdmin & """>")
Send ("<ADDRESS><" + CGI_ServerAdmin + "></ADDRESS>")
Send ("</A></BODY></HTML>")
Close #CGI_OutputFN
End ' Terminate the program
End Sub
' GetAcceptTypes() - Create the array of accept type structs
' Enumerate the keys in the [Accept] section of the profile file,
' then get the value for each of the keys.
Private Sub GetAcceptTypes()
Dim sList As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer, n As Integer
sList = GetProfile("Accept", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
n = 0 ' Index in array
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_AccTYPE)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_AcceptTypes(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key, then value
CGI_AcceptTypes(n).value = GetProfile("Accept", CGI_AcceptTypes(n).key)
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
CGI_NumAcceptTypes = n ' Fill in global count
End Sub
' GetArgs() - Parse the command line
' Chop up the command line, fill in the argument vector, return the
' argument count (similar to the Unix/C argc/argv handling)
Private Function GetArgs(argv() As String) As Integer
Dim buf As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer, n As Integer
buf = Trim$(Command$) ' Get command line
l = Len(buf) ' Length of command line
If l = 0 Then ' If empty
GetArgs = 0 ' Return argc = 0
Exit Function
End If
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
n = 0 ' Index in argvec
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_CMDARGS)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, buf, " ") ' J -> next space
If j = 0 Then Exit Do ' Exit loop on last arg
argv(n) = Trim$(Mid$(buf, i, j - i)) ' Get this token, trim it
i = j + 1 ' Skip that blank
Do While Mid$(buf, i, 1) = " " ' Skip any additional whitespace
i = i + 1
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
argv(n) = Trim$(Mid$(buf, i, (l - i + 1))) ' Get last arg
GetArgs = n + 1 ' Return arg count
End Function
' GetExtraHeaders() - Create the array of extra header structs
' Enumerate the keys in the [Extra Headers] section of the profile file,
' then get the value for each of the keys.
Private Sub GetExtraHeaders()
Dim sList As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer, n As Integer
sList = GetProfile("Extra Headers", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
n = 0 ' Index in array
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_XHDR)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_ExtraHeaders(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key, then value
CGI_ExtraHeaders(n).value = GetProfile("Extra Headers", CGI_ExtraHeaders(n).key)
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
CGI_NumExtraHeaders = n ' Fill in global count
End Sub
' GetFormTuples() - Create the array of POST form input key=value pairs
Private Sub GetFormTuples()
Dim sList As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim s As Long
Dim buf As String
Dim extName As String
Dim extFile As Integer
Dim extlen As Long
n = 0 ' Index in array
' Do the easy one first: [Form Literal]
sList = GetProfile("Form Literal", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_FORM_TUPLES)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_FormTuples(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key, then value
CGI_FormTuples(n).value = GetProfile("Form Literal", CGI_FormTuples(n).key)
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
' Now do the external ones: [Form External]
sList = GetProfile("Form External", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
extFile = FreeFile
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_FORM_TUPLES)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_FormTuples(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key, then pathname
buf = GetProfile("Form External", CGI_FormTuples(n).key)
k = InStr(buf, " ") ' Split file & length
extName = Mid$(buf, 1, k - 1) ' Pathname
k = k + 1
extlen = CLng(Mid$(buf, k, Len(buf) - k + 1)) ' Length
' Use feature of GET to read content in one call
Open extName For Binary Access Read As #extFile
CGI_FormTuples(n).value = String$(extlen, " ") ' Breathe in...
Get #extFile, , CGI_FormTuples(n).value 'GULP!
Close #extFile
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
CGI_NumFormTuples = n ' Number of fields decoded
n = 0 ' Reset counter
' Next, the [Form Huge] section. Will this ever get executed?
sList = GetProfile("Form Huge", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_FORM_TUPLES)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_HugeTuples(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key
buf = GetProfile("Form Huge", CGI_HugeTuples(n).key) ' "offset length"
k = InStr(buf, " ") ' Delimiter
CGI_HugeTuples(n).offset = CLng(Mid$(buf, 1, (k - 1)))
CGI_HugeTuples(n).length = CLng(Mid$(buf, k, (Len(buf) - k + 1)))
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
CGI_NumHugeTuples = n ' Fill in global count
n = 0 ' Reset counter
' Finally, the [Form File] section.
sList = GetProfile("Form File", "") ' Get key list
l = Len(sList) ' Length incl. trailing null
i = 1 ' Start at 1st character
Do While ((i < l) And (n < MAX_FILE_TUPLES)) ' Safety stop here
j = InStr(i, sList, Chr$(0)) ' J -> next null
CGI_FileTuples(n).key = Mid$(sList, i, j - i) ' Get Key
buf = GetProfile("Form File", CGI_FileTuples(n).key)
ParseFileValue buf, CGI_FileTuples(n) ' Complicated, use Sub
i = j + 1 ' Bump pointer
n = n + 1 ' Bump array index
CGI_NumFileTuples = n ' Fill in global count
End Sub
' GetProfile() - Get a value or enumerate keys in CGI_Profile file
' Get a value given the section and key, or enumerate keys given the
' section name and "" for the key. If enumerating, the list of keys for
' the given section is returned as a null-separated string, with a
' double null at the end.
' VB handles this with flair! I couldn't believe my eyes when I tried this.
Private Function GetProfile(sSection As String, sKey As String) As String
Dim retLen As Long
Dim buf As String * ENUM_BUF_SIZE
If sKey <> "" Then
retLen = GetPrivateProfileString(sSection, sKey, "", buf, ENUM_BUF_SIZE, CGI_ProfileFile)
retLen = GetPrivateProfileString(sSection, 0&, "", buf, ENUM_BUF_SIZE, CGI_ProfileFile)
End If
If retLen = 0 Then
GetProfile = ""
GetProfile = Left$(buf, retLen)
End If
End Function
' Get the value of a "small" form field given the key
' Signals an error if field does not exist
Function GetSmallField(key As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To (CGI_NumFormTuples - 1)
If CGI_FormTuples(i).key = key Then
GetSmallField = Trim$(CGI_FormTuples(i).value)
Exit Function ' ** DONE **
End If
Next i
' Field does not exist
End Function
' InitializeCGI() - Fill in all of the CGI variables, etc.
' Read the profile file name from the command line, then fill in
' the CGI globals, the Accept type list and the Extra headers list.
' Then open the input and output files.
' Returns True if OK, False if some sort of error. See ReturnError()
' for info on how errors are handled.
' NOTE: Assumes that the CGI error handler has been armed with On Error
Sub InitializeCGI()
Dim sect As String
Dim argc As Integer
Static argv(MAX_CMDARGS) As String
Dim buf As String
CGI_DebugMode = True ' Initialization errors are very bad
' Parse the command line. We need the profile file name (duh!)
' and the output file name NOW, so we can return any errors we
' trap. The error handler writes to the output file.
argc = GetArgs(argv())
CGI_ProfileFile = argv(0)
sect = "CGI"
CGI_ServerSoftware = GetProfile(sect, "Server Software")
CGI_ServerName = GetProfile(sect, "Server Name")
CGI_RequestProtocol = GetProfile(sect, "Request Protocol")
CGI_ServerAdmin = GetProfile(sect, "Server Admin")
CGI_Version = GetProfile(sect, "CGI Version")
CGI_RequestMethod = GetProfile(sect, "Request Method")
buf = GetProfile(sect, "Request Keep-Alive") ' Y or N
If (Left$(buf, 1) = "Y") Then ' Must start with Y
CGI_RequestKeepAlive = True
CGI_RequestKeepAlive = False
End If
CGI_LogicalPath = GetProfile(sect, "Logical Path")
CGI_PhysicalPath = GetProfile(sect, "Physical Path")
CGI_ExecutablePath = GetProfile(sect, "Executable Path")
CGI_QueryString = GetProfile(sect, "Query String")
CGI_RemoteHost = GetProfile(sect, "Remote Host")
CGI_RemoteAddr = GetProfile(sect, "Remote Address")
CGI_RequestRange = GetProfile(sect, "Request Range")
CGI_Referer = GetProfile(sect, "Referer")
CGI_From = GetProfile(sect, "From")
CGI_UserAgent = GetProfile(sect, "User Agent")
CGI_AuthUser = GetProfile(sect, "Authenticated Username")
CGI_AuthPass = GetProfile(sect, "Authenticated Password")
CGI_AuthRealm = GetProfile(sect, "Authentication Realm")
CGI_AuthType = GetProfile(sect, "Authentication Method")
CGI_ContentType = GetProfile(sect, "Content Type")
buf = GetProfile(sect, "Content Length")
If buf = "" Then
CGI_ContentLength = 0
CGI_ContentLength = CLng(buf)
End If
buf = GetProfile(sect, "Server Port")
If buf = "" Then
CGI_ServerPort = -1
CGI_ServerPort = CInt(buf)
End If
sect = "System"
CGI_ContentFile = GetProfile(sect, "Content File")
CGI_OutputFile = GetProfile(sect, "Output File")
CGI_OutputFN = FreeFile
Open CGI_OutputFile For Output Access Write As #CGI_OutputFN
buf = GetProfile(sect, "GMT Offset")
If buf <> "" Then ' Protect against errors
CGI_GMTOffset = CVDate(Val(buf) / 86400#) ' Timeserial GMT offset
CGI_GMTOffset = 0
End If
buf = GetProfile(sect, "Debug Mode") ' Y or N
If (Left$(buf, 1) = "Y") Then ' Must start with Y
CGI_DebugMode = True
CGI_DebugMode = False
End If
GetAcceptTypes ' Enumerate Accept: types into tuples
GetExtraHeaders ' Enumerate extra headers into tuples
GetFormTuples ' Decode any POST form input into tuples
End Sub
' main() - CGI script back-end main procedure
' This is the main() for the VB back end. Note carefully how the error
' handling is set up, and how program cleanup is done. If no command
' line args are present, call Inter_Main() and exit.
Sub Main()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Trim$(Command$) = "" Then ' Interactive start
Inter_Main ' Call interactive main
Exit Sub ' Exit the program
End If
InitializeCGI ' Create the CGI environment
CGI_Main ' Execute the actual "script"
Close #CGI_OutputFN
Exit Sub ' End the program
Select Case Err ' Decode our "user defined" errors
ErrorString = "Unknown form field"
Case Else:
ErrorString = Error$ ' Must be VB error
End Select
ErrorString = ErrorString & " (error #" & Err & ")"
On Error GoTo 0 ' Prevent recursion
ErrorHandler (Err) ' Generate HTTP error result
Resume Cleanup
End Sub
' Send() - Shortcut for writing to output file
Sub Send(s As String)
Print #CGI_OutputFN, s
End Sub
' SendNoOp() - Tell browser to do nothing.
' Most browsers will do nothing. Netscape 1.0N leaves hourglass
' cursor until the mouse is waved around. Enhanced Mosaic 2.0
' oputs up an alert saying "URL leads nowhere". Your results may
' vary...
Sub SendNoOp()
Send ("HTTP/1.0 204 No Response")
Send ("Server: " + CGI_ServerSoftware)
Send ("")
End Sub
' WebDate - Return an HTTP/1.0 compliant date/time string
' Inputs: t = Local time as VB Variant (e.g., returned by Now())
' Returns: Properly formatted HTTP/1.0 date/time in GMT
Function WebDate(dt As Variant) As String
Dim t As Variant
t = CVDate(dt - CGI_GMTOffset) ' Convert time to GMT
WebDate = Format$(t, "ddd dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss") & " GMT"
End Function
' PlusToSpace() - Remove plus-delimiters from HTTP-encoded string
Public Sub PlusToSpace(s As String)
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do While True
i = InStr(i, s, "+")
If i = 0 Then Exit Do
Mid$(s, i) = " "
End Sub
' Unescape() - Convert HTTP-escaped string to normal form
Public Function Unescape(s As String)
Dim i As Integer, l As Integer
Dim c As String
If InStr(s, "%") = 0 Then ' Catch simple case
Unescape = s
Exit Function
End If
l = Len(s)
Unescape = ""
For i = 1 To l
c = Mid$(s, i, 1) ' Next character
If c = "%" Then
If Mid$(s, i + 1, 1) = "%" Then
c = "%"
i = i + 1 ' Loop increments too
c = x2c(Mid$(s, i + 1, 2))
i = i + 2 ' Loop increments too
End If
End If
Unescape = Unescape & c
Next i
End Function
' x2c() - Convert hex-escaped character to ASCII
Private Function x2c(s As String) As String
Dim t As String
t = "&H" & s
x2c = Chr$(CInt(t))
End Function
Private Sub ParseFileValue(buf As String, ByRef t As FileTuple)
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer
l = Len(buf)
i = InStr(buf, " ") ' First delimiter
t.file = Mid$(buf, 1, (i - 1)) ' [file]
t.file = Mid$(t.file, 2, Len(t.file) - 2) ' file
j = InStr((i + 1), buf, " ") ' Next delimiter
t.length = CLng(Mid$(buf, (i + 1), (j - i - 1)))
i = j
j = InStr((i + 1), buf, " ") ' Next delimiter
t.type = Mid$(buf, (i + 1), (j - i - 1))
i = j
j = InStr((i + 1), buf, " ") ' Next delimiter
t.encoding = Mid$(buf, (i + 1), (j - i - 1))
i = j = Mid$(buf, (i + 1), (l - i - 1)) ' [name] = Mid$(, 2, Len( - 1) ' name
End Sub
' FindExtraHeader() - Get the text from an "extra" header
' Given the extra header's name, return the stuff after the ":"
' or an empty string if not there.
Public Function FindExtraHeader(key As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To (CGI_NumExtraHeaders - 1)
If CGI_ExtraHeaders(i).key = key Then
FindExtraHeader = Trim$(CGI_ExtraHeaders(i).value)
Exit Function ' ** DONE **
End If
Next i
' Not present, return empty string
FindExtraHeader = ""
End Function
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